Title: Boys will be boys Part 5 of 5 Disclaimer: Not true in the least. Pairing: Daniel Agger/ Martin Skrtel Summary: AU where Daniel and Martin are friends with benefits until they're not
Title: Boys will be boys Part 4 Disclaimer: Not true in the least. Pairing: Daniel Agger/ Martin Skrtel Summary: AU where Daniel and Martin are friends with benefits until they're not.
Title: Boys will be boys Part 3 Disclaimer: Not true in the least. Pairing: Daniel Agger/ Martin Skrtel Summary: AU where Daniel and Martin are friends with benefits until they're not.
Title: Boys will be boys Part 2 Disclaimer: Not true in the least. Pairing: Daniel Agger/ Martin Skrtel Summary: AU where Daniel and Martin are friends with benefits until they're not.